About Us

NSO SUPERSTORE is one of the largest & fastest-growing Grocery retail chains in India.

Synonymous to its name, SUPERSTORE is a new age supermarket serving the needs of today’s smart and value seeking customers. NSO SUPERSTORE offers a one-stop shopping experience by offering fresh produce, bakery, dairy products, home and personal care products, general merchandise, smart apparels and appliances, making it a complete shopping destination. In many cases, SUPERSTORE is co-located at your place &  giving customers a wide choice for all their shopping needs.

NSO SUPERSTORE incredible value proposition rewards shoppers more for bigger purchases, every single time they shop, with 100% assortment being offered below MRP all year round. All this while delivering superior quality products, best of the brands, latest launches and a world-class shopping experience.

Further strengthening the value proposition stores offer NSO RETAILS PRODUCTS BRAND. Our Private Brands offer product choices across 110 categories spread over staples to processed foods and beverages, personal care, cosmetics and fragrances to health and hygiene, fabric and home care to home décor .

Our NSO stores serve as the last mile delivery hub for all the digital orders, while also providing easy accessibility for the customers as they walk-in to the store and shop for their daily needs & services.

Each NSO STORE has an integral delivery point feature that delivers e-commerce orders to the homes in the neighborhood, as well as New Commerce orders placed by the stores in the catchment.

At NSO SUPERSTORE, customers get assistance to shop online from a wide range of products, our e-commerce platform. Customers can shop with ease, while also enjoying the experience of interacting with our app/web.

Key services and product offerings of NSO include:

• Mobiles

• Watches

WEBSITES- DETAILS- www.nsoindia.com

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